A complimentary 15 min consultation with a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy to determine how Integrated Movement and Health can assist you.
Physical therapy to bring you back to your prior level of activity.
A 75 min direct one-on-one evaluation with a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy that evaluates your painful problem area in addition to your limitations and guides you on the best treatment while developing a personalized plan of care that will include a combination of therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular re-education, gait/balance training, and hands on treatment.
A 75 min direct one-on-one evaluation with a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy that evaluates your painful problem area in addition to your limitations and guides you on the best treatment while developing a personalized plan of care that will include a combination of therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular re-education, gait/balance training, and hands on treatment. Performed via telehealth.
A 6o min direct one-on-one follow up appointment with a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy to improve or continue an established plan of care which will include one-to-one guidance and education on therapeutic exercises, neuro-muscular re-education, gait/balance training, and hands on treatment.
A 3o min one-on-one online tele-health follow up appointment to discuss your care plan, progress, answer any questions, and to progress home exercises.
A 6o min one-on-one online tele-health follow up appointment to discuss your care plan, progress, answer any questions, and to progress home exercises.
Multiple Physical Therapy Visits in one package to allow for proper follow up and continuation of care at a discounted rate.
Initial Evaluations and Follow up appointments can be at home, gym, work, or school.
Initial Evaluations and Follow up appointments can be at home, gym, work, or school.
Initial Evaluations and Follow up appointments can be at home, gym, work, or school.
A 60 min one-on-one thorough, head to toe comprehensive assessment with a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy of your individualized movement patterns, mobility, strength, flexibility, and neuro-muscular control with individualized recommendations and supplemental exercises to improve fitness and potentially reduce injury or pain.
A 60 min one-on-one ergonomics assessment with a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy that will review your posture and workplace ergonomics within the space of your work flow to maintain health and mobility with individualized recommendations, education, and supplemental exercises/stretches to improve posture and function.
Can be performed at home or place of work.
Accomplish your health and movement goals by utilizing one-on-one coaching. Reach out to learn more.
A 30 or 60min session dedicated to maximizing mobility, proper exercise form, reviewing lifting mechanics to better understand correct technique and form.
Integrated Movement and Health.
(610) 679-9051
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